Along with appearing her first Horror film with Xmoor (2014), Melia Kreiling had a cinematic encounter with the Marvel Universe. “Guardians of the Galaxy [2014] is a wish come true,” enthuses Kreiling who had an opportunity to take part in the box office hit of the summer which embraces humour and taps into the nostalgia of playing mixed music tapes. “I don’t want to give spoilers. There are still like three people in the world who haven’t seen it, but I can honestly say that every single thing about it is awesome. The best possible introduction to superhero movies came to me in the form of GotG and I’m so grateful, excited and proud to be able to claim a tiny speck of it with the character of Bereet. The fans of the genre are so funny, encouraging, and excited; that it’s contagious!”
Also starring in Xmoor is a native of Edinburgh, Scotland who is a member of the voice cast of the blockbuster video game franchise Assassin’s Creed. “I’m a fanatical gamer and have been since I was 13 or 14, so Black Flag was a dream come true for me,” remarks Mark Bonnar who had to deal with being a motion-capture performer rather than being hunted by fabled beast. “The biggest challenge of that kind of work is the technical side of getting used to the equipment you have to carry round with you while trying to act. A tight suit and helmet with a GoPro attached isn’t the most conducive to make-believing you’re a notorious pirate! It was a real privilege.”
Xmoor has a World Premiere on August 25, 2014 at this year’s FILM4 FrightFest.