Fisk vs. Anatoly – In The Blood, episode 4
Okay, okay. This isn’t exactly a two-sided fight, but it is still a fight, and a super important one at that. So hear me out, here.
Wilson Fisk is this season’s Big Bad. He’s the guy we know is going to turn into the Kingpin one day and he’s probably on that path right now. At this stage in the series, we haven’t seen him physically do anything, he’s only given orders to his second in command, Wesley.
He’s pleasant when first meeting Vanessa, a local art dealer who later becomes his girlfriend and wife-to-be, and doesn’t’ seem, well, that bad. But you get the feeling that something is off. His transformation into the villain we know from the comics will happen, the question is when.
It’s only when he is out with Vanessa and is confronted by Anatoly, one of the Russian mobsters who is trying to warn him about The Man in the Mask, that you see how far he can go. Wesley, with Fisk’s say-so, takes Anatoly to a deserted part of the city. The car they’re in stops, Fisk takes Anatoly out and beats the living daylights out of him. He then smashes his head in with a car door, because, you know, he’s the Kingpin. All because of Vanessa.
Both Matt and Fisk, which is later explored in the series, are men driven by their emotions. They can be dangerous, but also predictable if they so obviously make decisions because of their overpowering feelings in a situation (i.e Vanessa being poisoned in a future episode by one of Fisk’s trusted men, Leyland, so he would drop his eye off the ball).
Fisk isn’t just the villain, though, he is a complicated character in his own right. You feel for the guy at times, he had a really rough childhood. He doesn’t do things for the sake of it and he has intentions behind his villainy that seem almost commendable to some degree. (Minus the killing part.)
We had seen Wilson when he was with Vanessa, and we get Fisk when he is smashes a guy’s brains out.