Damage Control, a live-action single-camera comedy series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has just received a pilot script order over at ABC. The Daily Show writer and producer Ben Karlin is working on the show for the network.
The show will be based on the comic book series of the same name, which centers around a group of workers who are tasked with cleaning up the messes created by conflicts between superheroes and supervillains. Over the course of Marvel’s history, four Damage Control limited series have been published, the most recent of which landing in 2008.
Read Variety’s description of the show below…
They are the ones who are in charge of returning lost ray guns to their rightful owners, help to reschedule a wedding venue after it has been vaporized in a super hero battle or even track down a missing prize African parrot that’s been turned to stone or goo. Sometimes the most important super heroes are the ones behind the scenes — and that’s who “Damage Control” will follow.
The news comes about a month and a half after it was announced that NBC gave a pilot production commitment to Powerless, a show with a premise similar to that of Damage Control, except set in the DC universe instead.
Marvel has worked with ABC Studios on all of their current and future live-action television shows, including Agents of S.H.I.E.D., Agent Carter, Daredevil, Jessica Jones and more. In fact, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. began its third season on the network just last Tuesday.