Samuel Brace with four reasons to be excited about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story…
The teaser trailer for the hotly anticipated Star Wars prequel/anthology movie, Rogue One landed this past week and oh boy, did it impress. Everything from the visuals, aesthetic, character designs to the music, this trailer was on god damn point and gave us a glimpse at what looks to be potentially an excellent movie. Hype was high before this teaser, just the knowledge that the film would be about stealing the plans to the OG Death Star were enough, but this first look has only amplified such feelings. Will the movie be great? Who knows. For that, we will have to wait and see. But it sure as shit looks cool, and there is many a reason to be excited for the December release. Here are four of them.
Ben Mendelsohn
This guy rocks. Like, you know, really rocks. Ben Mendelsohn is a fantastic actor, consistently pumping out fine character performances in films like The Dark Knight Rises, The Place Beyond the Pines, Lost River and best of all, his tremendous turn in Netflix’s original series, Bloodline — earning him Emmy/Golden Globe nominations. Mendelsohn exhibits such devastating screen presence that you cannot help but be drawn to him, so when word came out that he was going to be a part of Rogue One, my personal level of excitement hit the roof.
The first teaser for the film gave us a fantastic glimpse at his villainous character. From the looks of things, and from his magnificent white cloak, he is some kind of Grand Admiral type character, and although it’s a little nebulous, that is a rank at least as powerful as Grand Moff, which is super exciting. Another thought is that Mendelsohn could be a significant figure in the ISB, the Empire’s SS style organisation. In any case, Rogue One looks like it will allow us a closer glimpse (now that the EU is gone) at the hierarchy of the Empire during its peak, beyond Tarkin, Vader and of course the Emperor himself.
Mendelsohn’s character sure cuts a menacing figure, that shot of him strolling across the water, his majestic white cape flowing behind as bodies are laid at is feet, is an incredibly evocative image. How this guy fits into the world, and what his mission is, will be very exciting to ascertain. A current rumour is that he is the father of Felicity Jones’ character, and the lead dude on project Death Star (also a rumoured role for another actor in the movie – we’ll get to him in a sec). What the deal actually is, we will of course have to wait, the details will come in time, but for now this man has the potential to be quite the hit with SW fans. Everyone will know Ben Mendelsohn after this. It’s about time.
Mads Mikkelsen
What is there to say about Mads god damn Mikkelsen. Well, a lot actually. Anyone who has seen the recently cancelled Hannibal, will tell you what an exquisite actor this man is. His range is stupendous, capable of going from horrific monster to touching vulnerability at a drop of a hat. This guy has the talent to pull of anything; his natural charisma is a major factor in any project he is a part of. You can’t watch his work on Hannibal and not be flawed by the depth he brings to such a potentially cartoon villain. So, like our boy, Ben Mendelsohn, this was an addition to the Rogue One cast that just screamed out: GOOD JOB, CASTING DIRECTOR.
We unfortunately, didn’t get a glimpse of Mads’ character in this teaser, and while that is a shame, it perhaps suggests something big for him down the line. Maybe they are saving his reveal for a purpose, could he be more important than previously thought? There was a rumour, like the one around Mendelsohn’s villain, that he is the father of Felicity Jones’ character and potentially the lead scientist behind the Death Star. That sounds like a cool role for Mads with plenty of potential to exhibit his awesome awesomeness, but who really knows at this point. He could be a sith for all we know. Jesus, he could be pre-facial deformity Snoke! Until we see him/are given details, we can only let our imaginations run wild.
Mads is a terrific get for this film, he will only amplify its potential, whatever role he has in Rogue One, it he will surely nail. His presence will excite Fannibals the world over and it should excite the rest of you too. This man could become an icon of the Star Wars universe, given the right material to work with, and here is hoping he shares a scene or two with Mr Mendelsohn. Holy cow, do I want to see that. Now, if only we can get Hugh Dancy into the SW family… then we will really be rocking!
Click below to continue on for two more reasons to be excited for Rogue One…