Metacritic: 33 out of 100 | User Rating: 6.4 out of 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 12% out of 100 | 59% out of 100
Box Office | Domestic: $31 Million | Global: $59 Million | Totaling: $90 Million | Budget: $60 Million
This is a film that felt like the brain child of a producer and writer marrying the story of Harry Potter with the plot of Blade – yes, comic book Blade – and giving it the confused and disorganized backstory of The Seeker: The Dark is Rising. It wasn’t a happy marriage, it was more like a trip to Vegas that ended in drug addiction, alcoholism and a random polygamist wedding that no one is available to show up and annul. Again, solid and amazing actors that were likely fooled by their agents or the studio that this would be the next Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games or Insert Trendy Hipster Film Franchise idiotically thinking it will be the next J.K. Rowling empire.
Very little of this film is unique or original. It is hard in our media obsessed world to create truly unique films, a symptom of the problematic vomiting of reboots and re-imagined material that was successful in the past. But with this film anyone can easily argue intended to not be original at all, and mashed together all of its parts from what the creators perceived to be trendy and marketable to young adults. It’s not a complete waste and there will be those that might appreciate it for what it is, even if I think what it is, awful filmmaking, happens to be right. But that is my opinion.
Personal Ranking: ★ (Awful)