Liam Hoofe takes a look at six ways Game of Thrones could come to an end…
Game of Thrones season 7 is now in the history books, and whether you loved it, hated it, or were somewhere in the middle, everything has begun to fall in place for the show’s final season.
Ever since the first season, fans have speculated as to how the show’s writers and George R.R. Martin are going to bring a satisfying end to the TV show, and with the series now well ahead of the books, all we really have is speculation to go on, so speculate we shall.
The series could end in a number of ways – Game of Thrones has been known for its unpredictability, while many have complained that the show has lost its edge in recent years. Whether the show returns to its roots and pulls off a shocker in the final season, or whether it decides to pull the rug from us under us at the final moment, one thing is for sure – we are set for one hell of a rollercoaster ride over the course of those final episodes. Let’s take a look at six potential ways the show can end…
Cersei Keeps Her Throne
Okay, so of all the possible endings, this is definitely the one that fans would hate the most. Cersei is perhaps the show’s most despised character, and with her having cut her ties with her brother, and only real ally, Jaime, at the end of season 7, things don’t look all that promising for her going into the show’s final season.
Cersei is a survivor, though, and whatever the show has thrown at her, she has come out stronger for it. Unlike almost everyone else, Cersei is willing to crush whoever gets in her way to keep the throne and that could prove vital when Winter arrives next year. She has gone from a cold manipulator to someone who takes pleasure in wiping out her enemies. Hell, she even forced her own son into committing suicide. Cersei also has another child on the way – which makes her the perfect option to maintain the Lannister dynasty in Westeros.
The Night King Wins
With a dragon on his side and Westeros at war, now is the perfect time for the Night King and his army of the undead to wage war on the world. Season 7 ended with him in the best position to take the Iron Throne, and while that is likely to change over the course of the last season – it would certainly be a surprise for fans if he were to finish the show sitting on the Iron Throne, with Westeros lying in ruin beneath him.
All it would really take to see him walk away as the show’s winner is one big mistake on the part of his enemies, and with them all at each other’s throats right now, that is not something we should rule out entirely.
Jon Snow is Crowned King
Jon Snow being crowned King of Westeros at the end of season 8 is one of the two more predictable ways the show can come to a close. Jon has achieved an awful lot over the course of the last 7 seasons, even being resurrected from the dead, and the reveal that he is actually a Targaryen certainly doesn’t damage his chances.
Jon has a legion of followers of his own, and the fact that he could arm his army with the weapons required to defeat the Night King is going to be a big game changer in the coming season. If, as some people believe, Jon is the resurrected Azor Ahai, then you can almost certainly bet on being king when the final credits roll.
There is the small matter of his aunt, Daenerys standing his way though, but there are a number of ways the show can deal with that. Firstly, of course, Daenerys could be killed in battle, leaving Jon as the obvious choice to take over the throne. Secondly, and perhaps less likely, she could always give up her ambitions for the Throne upon finding out about Jon’s true lineage. There is the small matter of him discovering that he’s been up to no good with own aunt to deal with too, but this is Game of Thrones and little things like incest have never really ruined one’s chances of taking the crown.
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