20th Century Fox and Locksmith Animation, the UK’s new high-end CG feature animation studio, have announced their inaugural project, Ron’s Gone Wrong, which is being directed by Alessandro Carloni (Kung Fu Panda 3) and Pixar Story veteran J.P. Vine (Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur) for release in November 2020.
Ron’s Gone Wrong tells the story of the wonderful walking, talking, digitally connected bot that sweeps the world becoming every kid’s new Best Friend. But when an eleven-year-old boy ends up with one that doesn’t work, his attempts to teach it become a hilarious, heart-warming exploration of what real friendship means in a world of algorithms and social media.
“While we have set our bar for talent extremely high, the team assembled in London for Ron’s Gone Wrong is truly exceptional, including some of the most respected and dynamic film-makers working in feature animation today.” said Sarah Smith and Julie Lockhart, co-founders of Locksmith Animation. “It’s a brilliant launchpad for our UK studio, and with our partners at Twentieth Century Fox we are on an exciting journey.”
Ron’s Gone Wrong is the first project in the recently announced multi-year production partnership between Twentieth Century Fox and Locksmith Animation, which is expected to deliver one film every 12-18 months.