Last week Marvel announced the upcoming launch of X-Men Red, a new series from writer Tom Taylor (All-New Wolverine) and artist Mahmud Asrar (All-New, All-Different Avengers Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor), and now we’ve got details of the new X-Men team led by the returning Jean Grey in Namor, Nightcrawler, All-New Wolverine, her sister Gabby, Gentle, and the mysterious new character Trinary.
“We’ve also got one more fan-favorite hero joining the team in this first arc,” says X-Men group editor Mark Paniccia. “As the threat level escalates, Jean needs to build a highly specialized team…not just those she trusts, but allies who can survive the oncoming storm.”
When one of the most dangerous X-Men villains returns to wreak havoc, Jean’s dreams of peace are threatened…and order starts to turn to chaos. It’s mutant against mutant this February in an all-new adventure that will have X-fans on the edge of their seats, as Jean Grey’s team takes on the Marvel Universe – only in X-MEN RED!
X-Men Red will launch in February 2018.