A new trailer has debuted for the upcoming action thriller The Debt Collector. Written and directed by Jesse V. Johnson, the film sees the director once again reteam with his Accident Man star Scott Adkins and features a cast that also includes Louis Mandylor, Vladimir Kulich, Michael Pare, Rachel Brann, Selina Lo, Robert Rusler, and Tony Todd; check it out here…
French (Scott Adkins, Marvel’s “Doctor Strange”) is running a martial arts gym, training promising new fighters– but it hasn’t exactly been paying the bills. To make ends meet, he begins working for the notorious but Big Tommy (Vladimir Kulich, “The Equalizer”), servicing various criminal outfits throughout Southern California.
Working by a number scale, with #10 being a threatening, to a #1 being a full-on trip to the hospital, French and his partner Sue (Louis Mandylor, “Code of Honor”) are in charge of chasing down any kind of criminal and low-life who owes money to their organization.
Sliding through traffic from one job to another; beating, fighting, chasing and breaking bones, the job is always something new. But it’s only when French has to track down an Irish bar-keep with a secret, that he encounters anyone worth saving and he will have to question himself if he will do the right thing… for once.
The Debt Collector is set for release this June.