Wonder (2017)
For anyone with small children, Wonder is the perfect film to show as a way to start the bullying conversation. The 2017 movie is another example of how many genres can talk about this subject with this dipping into comedic and dramatic elements seamlessly. Wonder follows Auggie, a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome, and his journey for acceptance from his classmates.
Mean Girls (2004)
As one of the funniest movies about bullying, Mean Girls can reach more viewers than most films on this list. That doesn’t take away from the message of tolerance and the horror of high school bullying with Mean Girls pulling no punches when it comes to bullying and how to handle the situation. It also dives into how the victim can become the bully and that dynamic, which is something important as well as a hilarious plot point.
Moonlight (2016)
The beauty of Moonlight is how it depicts bullying and abuse through years. It also puts a spotlight on the black LGBT community, a group that needs a voice in the mainstream. Moonlight is one of the most important films in recent memory, with its Academy Award win earned for its message of tolerance. Rarely does a movie so directly about bullying reaches such high acclaim, but the time for this conversation is right now.
EJ Moreno