The first teaser trailer and a poster have arrived online for the upcoming thriller Hotel Mumbai. Directed by Anthony Maras, the film is based on the documentary Surviving Mumbai which tells the devastating story of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks and features a cast that includes Dev Patel, Armie Hammer, Nazanin Boniadi, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Anupam Kher, and Jason Isaacs; take a look here…
HOTEL MUMBAI is based on the true story of the devastating terrorist attack on the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in 2008. The terrifying assault brings together the guests and staff of the luxurious hotel including wealthy new parents David and Zahra (Armie Hammer and Nazanin Boniadi), Russian businessman Vasili (Jason Issacs) and newly promoted waiter Arjun (Dev Patel) in a desperate fight for survival. This story celebrates humanity, compassion, courage, resilience and the unwavering desire to survive.
Hotel Mumbai is set for release on March 29th in the US.