AMC has released a batch of first look images for the Ridley Scott-produced horror anthology series The Terror, subtitled Infamy. This season centres on the Japanese-American community during World War II and the bizarre series of deaths that haunt them. The second season features a cast that includes Derek Mio, Kiki Sukezane, Cristina Rodlo, Shingo Usami, Naoko Mori, Miki Ishikawa, and George Takei; take a look here…
“Set during World War II, the haunting and suspenseful second season of the horror-infused anthology, ‘The Terror: Infamy,’ centers on a series of bizarre deaths that haunt a Japanese-American community, and a young man’s journey to understand and combat the malevolent entity responsible.”
The Terror: Infamy is set to premiere on AMC on August 12th.
Photo credits: AMC