After exploring World War II in the acclaimed Archie 1941, creators Mark Waid and Brian Augustyn are reuniting for a second historical fiction series at Archie Comics, jumping a decade ahead to tell a true-to-life tale set during the turbulent origins of rock ‘n’ roll in Archie 1955.
As a boy who grew up in Tupelo, Mississippi, I’ve been a rock-origins aficionado my entire life,” said Waid said. “Archie 1955 is my chance to visit that era I so love, and do it with an Archie spin. As with Archie 1941, we’re very true to the time while telling a story in a modern way that’s exciting and dramatic. Using Archie as a lens through which to really examine the beginnings of rock ‘n’ roll is a blast.”
The five-issue miniseries imagines what life would be like for Archie Andrews and the gang if they were real teens in 1955, and it follows him on a quest for success in the fledgling rock ‘n’ roll scene. When Archie proves to a local DJ that he’s got the talent for hip-shaking stardom, he begins an ascent to fame that will carry with it both triumph and tragedy.
Archie 1955 #1 is set to go on sale in September.