In 2017, director Taika Waititi reinvented the Thor franchise with Thor: Ragnarok by infusing the instalment with more comedy than previously seen from this sub-series. Now, in an interview with Wired, Waititi confirmed Thor: Love and Thunder will double down on how nuts the previous instalment was.
“It’s going to be bigger and louder and more bombastic,” Waititi revealed. “It’s only interesting to me if we’re doubling down on how nuts Ragnarok was.”
In a previous interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Waititi confirmed he would be reprising his role as Korg in Thor: Love and Thunder.
Thor: Love and Thunder is set for release on November 5th 2021, and will see Chris Hemsworth’s Thor and Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster joined by returning Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame star Tessa Thompson.
What do you think of Natalie Portman returning to the MCU? Are you excited for Thor: Love and Thunder? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @flickeringmyth…