Crazy Rich Asians and Last Christmas star Henry Golding is set for his first foray into the world of animated voice acting, with the actor signing on for the lead role in Paramount Animation’s adaptation of Laurence Yep’s bestselling children’s book The Tiger’s Apprentice.
The film will mark the feature directorial debut of Carlos Baena, an animator whose credits include Pixar’s Wall-E and Toy Story 3, and has been scripted by David Magee (Life of Pi) along with Harry Cripps (Penguin Bloom) and Kyle Jarrow (Valor).
The Tiger’s Apprentice will adapt the first book in Yep’s trilogy, which follows “a boy in San Francisco who meets a shape-shifting talking tiger named Mr. Hu and under his tutelage and protection is introduced into a magical world that includes an ancient phoenix, a dragon and a clan of evil-doers.”
Golding is set to voice the tiger character Mr. Hu in the film, his second successive collaboration with Paramount Pictures after the upcoming G.I. Joe spinoff Snake Eyes, where he portrays the titular silent ninja commando.
The Tiger’s Apprentice is set for release on February 11th 2022.