Marvelous Videos presents absurd werewolf movies worth a watch…
We have spoken about werewolves before and their inherently horrifying nature – this idea that man can become a polymorphization of himself and another vicious species through forced mutation sends tingles down our spine just thinking about it!
But, unfortunately, the likes of Teen Wolf have rendered the concept a joke of the sci-fi comedy subsect. Well, that doesn’t mean it’s all fun and games. There are a lot of horror filmmakers that took the werewolf concept to its most absurd, terrifying extent, and, as a result, produced quality works that are as entertaining as they are insane. Here’s a selection courtesy of Marvelous Videos…
SEE ALSO: The Best Werewolf Movies Of All Time
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Have you any wacky werewolf movie recommendations worthy of a place on this list? Let us know on our social channels @flickeringMyth…
Red Stewart