A poster and trailer have been released for Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins, the next instalment in the crime thriller series which tells the story of how Tony Tucker (Terry Stone) become involved in one of the most notorious gangland murders in British history. Joining Stone in the cast are Vinnie Jones, Roland Manookian, Craig Fairbrass, Keith Allen, George Russo, P.H. Moriarty, Billy Murray and Michelle Collins; take a look here…
When a down-on-his-luck Tony Tucker lands a job as a nightclub doorman after saving the owner’s grandson, he will do whatever it takes to rise to the top of the game. Teaming up with Essex heavyweight Bernard O’Mahoney at the height of the 1980s rave scene, Tucker could do no wrong.
A voracious appetite for money, drugs, and a glamorous lifestyle soon develops, fueling his growingly audacious ventures and seeing him join forces with Pat Tate and Craig Rolfe to capitalise on the drug-boom. Packed with fights, revenges, and explosions, the ultimate origin story brings Rise of the Footsoldier full circle, and tackles many of the franchise’s previously unanswered questions.
SEE ALSO: First look clip from Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins featuring Vinnie Jones
Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins arrives in cinemas on September 3rd.