A new trailer has landed online for True Detective: Night Country, the fourth instalment in HBO’s acclaimed anthology series. This season follows Detectives Liz Danvers (Jodie Foster) and Evangeline Navarro (Kali Reis) as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of eight men from the Tsalal Arctic Research Station in Alaska; watch it below…
“When the long winter night falls in Ennis, Alaska, the eight men who operate the Tsalal Arctic Research Station vanish without a trace. To solve the case, Detectives Liz Danvers (Foster) and Evangeline Navarro (Reis) will have to confront the darkness they carry in themselves, and dig into the haunted truths that lie buried under the eternal ice.”
Joining Jodie Foster and Reis in the cast are Finn Bennett, Fiona Shaw, Christopher Eccleston, Isabella Star LaBlanc, and John Hawkes.
True Detective: Night Country premieres January 14th on Max.