Luke Owen looks at the reasons people give for liking Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise…
The Transformers franchise has been riddled with ridicule since its first instalment back in 2007. Fanboy nerds have flooded message boards and Youtube comment sections with hate-filled bile against Michael Bay and his “raping” of a franchise that was only ever made because toys needed to be sold. But yet it’s one of the most enduring and profitable franchises in cinema.
And while the reactions of the fanboy community may be over-blown, they are right on one thing: the Transformers movies are terrible. Despite the series being panned by every critic around the world (read our ★ review of Transformers: Age of Extinction here), it somehow brings in large audiences who pay time after time to keep seeing these poor-excuses for movies.
If you’ve ever read an article about the Transformers series, you will notice a legion of defenders who crop up in the comments section that offer up reasons for why they like them. It boggles the mind these films can please anyone, but the reasons given for enjoying the Transformers franchise are pretty stupid. Not only that but, like the movie, they’re lazy and a damning indictment of how far we have regressed as cinema goers.
Let’s look at some of the reasons.