Before J.J. Abrams secured the job of launcing Disney’s Star Wars sequel trilogy, one of the names linked to the director’s on Star Wars: The Force Awakens – then known simply as Episode VII – was that of Brad Bird, the man behind the likes of The Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.
Collider caught up with Bird for a promotional interview for his latest film Tomorrowland – during which he revealed that his next project will be the follow-up to Pixar’s 2004 animated superhero hit The Incredibles – and now the site has posted a few more comments, this time concerning his interest in taking a trip to the galaxy far, far away.
“Well [Kathleen Kennedy] and I have discussed the possibility of—I mean she’s basically saying this is a very large sandbox and other people can play in it,” said Bird when asked if he’d be interested in replacing Josh Trank on Disney’s second Star Wars Anthology movie. “I was particularly attracted to the idea of picking up and—J.J. got very excited about the notion of shaping the next trilogy, and that idea was interesting to me too. But I kind of—I’m writing a sequel to The Incredibles and I can’t think too much farther beyond that. I have other things I want to do as well.”
Would you like to see Brad Bird directing a Star Wars movie? Let us know in the comments below…