It looks like 24 could be set for another return to the small screen following last year’s event series 24: Live Another Day, with Fox Television Group CEO Gary Newman revaling that early development is underway on “another version” of the show.
“[There’s] nothing immediate, but we have been developing another version of 24, but it’s still very early in the process, so there’s nothing we could tell you at this time other than we are working on something.”
Back in January, it was revealed that 24 could return without Keifer Sutherland’s Jack Bauer and that the producers are “prepared to do something that would be the one installment without him”.
Given Newman’s phrasing, could Jack Bauer be absent from this latest revival, and can 24 survive without him? Let us know your thoughts below…
SEE ALSO: Five Reasons Why 24 Doesn’t Need Jack Bauer