George Chrysostomou with five Ant-Man oddities that could pop up in Ant-Man and the Wasp…
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is expanding at asurprising pace and 2018 is no different for the comics juggernaut. Whilst TV has already brought us a cast of characters such as the Runaways and Cloak and Dagger, the movie side of things has introduced the likes of the Black Order and the realm of Wakanda. Now that we are in a cinematic era, where characters can casually mention they are from a planet called Mojoworld, audiences are prepared for more unexpected and wacky comic book characters, worlds and concepts. Ant-Man had already set the stage for some of these inclusions, especially with their trip into the Quantum Realm, travelling to different multiverses – a concept continued within Doctor Strange.
Ant-Man and the Wasp will continue to further the universe with the inclusion of a more obscure villain in the form of The Ghost, the introduction of the heroic Goliath, and detailed exploration of the previously mentioned Quantum Realm. So, what other villains, heroes and concepts could Ant-Man and the Wasp add to the ever growing MCU? Here are 5 oddities that may just be added to the latest action blockbuster.
Many people were surprised to learn that The Ghost would be the villain of the Ant-Man sequel, especially since that character is often more associated as an Iron Man villain. The gender change threw some people as well, but she is already looking to be an incredibly interesting rival with a diverse power set. What this meant for some though, is the most notably bizarre Ant-Man villain would be left out again.
The mad genius known as Egghead has just that – a head shaped like a head. Created in the 60’s, Egghead has always been obsessed with understanding Hank Pym’s technology and what makes the iconic suit tick. Using his incredible intellect to try to steal, sabotage or copy the abilities of Pym’s work, Egghead would work as an incredible secondary villain playing off the industrial espionage theme found in the first film.
Whilst this may seem unlikely, there is a real possibility for this to happen. We have already seen from the trailers that there is a secondary villain looking to steal from Pym and team. Whilst this character is not likely Egghead himself, this does not rule out the villain entirely. There may be someone behind the scenes controlling all these pieces in order to serve a grand agenda. We may just find out that the shock twist is that Egghead himself has been pulling strings and it is him who is responsible for the events of the film.
Another early 60’s character that first made his start as the Human Top, the villain known as Whirlwind has been a constant thorn in the side of many Marvel heroes, most notably Ant-Man. Whilst not nearly as interesting enough or intelligent enough to carry the whole film, this character could serve as an opening villain or perhaps hired muscle, much like that of the Shocker in Spider-man: Homecoming. Some Avengers animated series have used Whirlwind well especially against the Wasp, so perhaps this could be a good C-list villain to start her super hero career with.
The most promising aspect of this character is his diverse power set. Most of the powers in the Ant-Man side of the MCU comes from technology. A non-technological villain may be a slice of something different for the film and would provide a very unique threat to the team. Perhaps the character, with his very classic feel, could even be seen in flashbacks battling the original Ant-Man and the Wasp or even Goliath. Either way, this villain can be used effectively in a limited role and is very plausible despite his oddity.
Enigma Force
Onto an obscure team of heroes now, the Enigma Force may actually be familiar to a few long term readers. This team has gone by many different names due to various copyright issues. Originally known as the Micronauts, they have also been called the Champions of the Microverse, the Microns and eventually the Enigma Force. Despite their many name and team changes there is one core, essential element to these characters. They reside in the Microverse, the sub-atomic region that Ant-Man can enter using the Pym Particles.
In the first Ant-Man, the realm of the Microverse is actually given a different name. Calling it the Quantum Realm, it serves the same purpose and carries the same lore. Ant-Man and the Wasp is set to further explore this tiny location, in search of Pym’s missing wife, Janet. Jugding by the posters, we know they are successful in locating her, but we are unaware of how they do this. Perhaps using the aid of the Enigma Force is one such way they could achieve this goal? A team of people that live in the Quantum Realm, immune to the effects it appears to have on normal humans, could be an odd but fun addition to the summer blockbuster. Perhaps simply an Easter egg or a cameo, the Enigma Force’s presence shouldn’t be ignored.
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