Artifex Mundi have announced they will be inviting gamers on a heartwarming journey this Autumn with their latest adventure title, My Brother Rabbit. This emotional tale of a child’s imagination will be available on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC. The new announcement trailer below gives a glimpse into this surreal world…
In My Brother Rabbit a little girl has fallen ill and while her parents seek out a treatment her older and determined brother uses his imagination to help them get through the troubles. The real world holds despair and heartache but the brother’s imagination creates a fantastic, surreal world filled with innocent fun. Players will travel to this world of make believe where a little rabbit must use his wits to discover hidden objects, solve puzzles and play minigames if he is to nurse his ill friend, a flower, back to health.
The game features beautifully hand drawn visuals and a soundtrack by renowned indie composer Arkadiusz Reikowski (Layers of Fear and Seven: The Days Long Gone).
“My Brother Rabbit’s spiritual journey recalls the power and depth of the mind’s eye,” said Maciej Binkowski, publishing director at Artifex Mundi. “The universes humans can develop can be beautifully surreal, and we want to invite players into the strange machinations in our heads.”
My Brother Rabbit will be available for consoles and PC this autumn.