Bandai Namco Entertainment has released a brand new trailer for their upcoming action adventure based on the popular One Piece manga and anime series, One Piece World Seeker. This all new trailer introduces fans to Jeanne, the young leader of the “Anti-Navy” group, who will work with Luffy to overthrow the game’s antagonist. One Piece World Seeker is set for release on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC in 2019.
In One Piece World Seeker players will find Luffy and his Straw Hat pirates marooned on Jewel Island, an island devastated by war and now under the close guard of the Navy. The Navy control every aspect of the rebuilding the island, a fact that half the island’s residents disapprove of. The “Anti-Navy” group is led by Jeanne who will work with Luffy to overthrow Isaac, the warden of the prison that dominates Jewel Island.
“One Piece: World Seeker is the most ambitious One Piece game ever. We’re aware of the huge potential for the game and want to ensure we match fans’ expectations”, said Koji Nakajima Chief Producer at Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc). “As such, we took the difficult decision to move the release date and use additional development time to create the best game possible”.
One Piece World Seeker arrives on Xbox One, PS4 and Steam in 2019.