It looks like the Teen Titans from Cartoon Network’s original animated series are set for a return, with the upcoming Blu-ray release of Teen Titans Go! to the Movies featuring a teaser trailer for a previously-unannounced project entitled Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans. Take a look at the teaser here…
SEE ALSO: Teen Titans Go! to the Movies home-entertainment release details revealed
As per Comic Book, Warner Bros. has apparently confirmed that the trailer is indeed legitimate and that the project is set to arrive at some point in 2019. As for whether said project will be in the form of a special episode of Teen Titans Go!, or a full-length animated feature film (as potentially teased in the post-credit scene of Teen Titans Go! to the Movies), hopefully we’ll find out soon.
Are you excited about the potential return of the original Teen Titans? Let us know in the comments below…