Starz has debuted a trailer for the historical drama The Spanish Princess, the third instalment in the series following The White Queen and The White Princess. Based on Philippa Gregory’s novels The Constant Princess and The King’s Curse, it stars Charlotte Hope as Catherine of Aragon, Angus Imrie as Arthur, Prince of Wales, and Ruairi O’Connor as Harry, Prince of Wales; watch it here…
“Catherine of Aragon, is the beautiful teenaged princess of Spain who was promised the English throne since she was a child. She arrives in a grey, rain-lashed England with her glorious and diverse court including her lady-in-waiting Lina – an African Moor. She is Princess of Wales now, but when her husband Prince Arthur dies suddenly, the throne seems lost to Catherine. Until she claims her marriage was never consummated and that as a virgin she may set her sights on the new heir, the charismatic and headstrong Prince Harry who will one day rule as King Henry VIII.”