Hulu has debuted the first trailer for its upcoming drama Catch-22. Based on Joseph Heller’s classic novel, the limited series is directed by George Clooney, who also stars alongside Christopher Abbott, Kyle Chandler, Hugh Laurie, Daniel David Stewart, Austin Stowell, Rafi Gavron, Graham Patrick Martin, Pico Alexander, Jon Rudnitsky, Gerran Howell, Lewis Pullman, Tessa Ferrer, Jay Paulson, Giancarlo Giannini, and Harrison Osterfield; watch it here…
Christopher Abbott is Yossarian, a bombardier, whose frantic obsession every time he goes up on a mission is “to come down alive”. His odds of success at such a simple aim keep getting worse, because Colonel Cathcart (Kyle Chandler) keeps raising the number of missions the men have to fly. More than the retreating Germans, the real enemy for Yossarian and his rag-tag bunch of friends is the bureaucracy of the military, inverting logic at every turn. The pinnacle of this is Catch-22, a military by-law which states that if you fly your missions, you’re crazy, and don’t have to fly them; all you have to do is ask. But if you as not to, then you’re sane, and so you have to fly them.
Catch-22 premieres on Hulu on May 17th.