Ever since the ultra-violent 2012 Karl Urban headlined adaptation of Dredd hit theatres, fans everywhere have been holding their breath for a much deserved sequel. Unfortunately their hopes have been dashed several times despite highly publicised campaigns aimed at turning the studios heads.
However, there may be some shining light at the end of the tunnel as co-creator John Wagner took to Facebook to answer some fans questions.
During a conversation on whether or not a sequel could happen Wagner commented, “There will be a new Dredd film…it’s just a question of when.”
While this may sound a tad ambiguous, it’s really the first time that the creator has spoken about a new film. Alex Garland, who wrote the screenplay for Dredd and also produced, has previously admitted that another adaptation of some sort is inevitable in the near future although he won’t be involved. Karl Urban has also spoken about a potential sequel, urging fans to support any campaign and sign petitions to make another Dredd movie happen.
So who wants to see a sequel?