Samuel L. Jackson, one of the stars of the upcoming Captain Marvel, thinks that the late Stan Lee could continue to have Marvel cameos thanks to 3D scanning.
The fact that there will be no more Stan Lee cameos in Marvel movies after the legend’s recent passing is something that many fans are going to miss. However, Samuel L. Jackson seems to think that there could be a way to keep the cameos coming.
Due to the fact that Marvel 3D scans the actors so much, Jackson thinks theoretically they could recreate Stan Lee and have his famous cameos continue in perpetuity. Speaking at a Captain Marvel panel in Singapore, the actor said:
“He’ll be missed and I’m sure, well, the way they scan us, he might still end up in every Marvel movie we do. You’ll be shocked. ‘I thought he was dead. When did he shoot this?’ They probably got a lot of stuff they can stick Stan in just because they scan the rest of us. If they scanned him anywhere near as much as they scan us…”
The live-streamed video cuts Jackson off here but when the tape picks up, star Brie Larson explains the 3D scanning process:
“There’s a room that has like 100 cameras in it and it scans. It does like a 3D scan of your body like it could create like a hologram.”
While none of this is confirmed by Marvel, it might be possible for Stan Lee to be inserted into future movies. Right now, however, fans can at least look forward to Lee’s cameos in Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame, which he had already filmed before his passing.
SEE ALSO: Watch Stan Lee’s final animated cameo in Marvel’s Avengers: Black Panther’s Quest