During last night’s Academy Awards, Netflix unveiled the first teaser for director Martin Scorsese’s hotly-anticipated mob epic The Irishman. It doesn’t feature any footage, but when it showcases a list of names that includes Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel, it certainly commands your attention. Check it out here…
SEE ALSO: Al Pacino on being digitally de-aged for Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman
The film sees Robert De Niro taking on the role of Frank Sheeran, a labor union official with links to organised crime, who claimed to have been responsible for the murder of Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino).
Featuring in the cast of The Irishman alongside the aforementioned De Niro, Pacino, Pesci and Keitel are Bobby Cannavale, Jack Huston, Stephen Graham, Ray Romano, Kathrine Narducci, Anna Paquin and Danny A. Abeckaser.