Blizzard has released a brand new Overwatch hero onto the public test realm (PC). Baptiste is the 30th hero to join the game and as an elite combat medic brings his healing skills and an arsenal of experimental healing equipment to the battlefield. A new trailer has also been released providing the backstory to Baptiste and why he joined the fight, and you can watch this below…
As an elite combat medic, Baptiste can bring an array of weaponry and gadgets to the battlefield that can heal allies and cause devastating damage to enemies. Baptiste’s abilities include:
- Biotic Launcher — This three round burst Biotic Launcher will reward accuracy and recoil control with a significant damage output. This device also doubles as a healing device, lobbing projectiles that heal allies near the point of impact.
- Regenerative Burst — When this device activates it releases an intense regenerative burst that heals himself and nearby allies over time.
- Immortality Field — Baptiste uses a device to create a field that prevents allies from dying although the generator can be destroyed.
- Amplification Matrix (Ultimate) — This creates a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of any friendly projectiles that pass through it.
- Exo Boots (Passive) — By crouching first, these boots Baptiste can jump higher.
If you fancy playing as Baptiste then try him out on the Public Test Realm now. Chat to us on Twitter @FMyth_Gaming.