CBS has released a trailer for the second season of its Ridley Scott-produced mystery drama series Strange Angel which sees the return of cast members Jack Reynor, Rupert Friend, Bella Heathcote and Peter Mark Kendall, and sees Angus Macfadyen join this season as Occultist Aleister Crowley; watch it here…
At the conclusion of STRANGE ANGEL’s first season, Jack and his team from Caltech made a scientific breakthrough that secured the military’s interest as the country neared the brink of war. In season two, the U.S. is fully engaged in World War II, transforming Jack’s rocketry work into a lucrative business and further entrenching him in the military-industrial complex. While Jack’s career takes off, he and his wife Susan’s devotion to their new occult religion grows, leading them to invite the sex cult into their Pasadena mansion and Jack to forge a personal relationship with the group’s notorious founder, Aleister Crowley himself.
Strange Angel season 2 premieres on June 13th on CBS All Access.