Amazon Studios has just added several actors to its upcoming Nazi-hunter drama The Hunt from Get Out and Us director Jordan Peele and his Monkypaw Productions company. Per Deadline, the series has cast Julissa Bermudez (106 & Park), Miles G. Jackson (The Last O.G.), Becky Ann Baker (The Blacklist), Josh Mostel (Billy Madison) and Jonno Davies (Kingsman: The Secret Service).
According to the outlet, “Bermudez will play Maria, a nurse. Baker portrays Juanita Kreps, the Secretary of Commerce. Mostel is Rabbi Stecker of New York City. Jackson plays Danny Rohr, a disgraced journalist. Davies is Tobias, a bodyguard.”
The series takes place in New York City in 1977 and follows Jonah Heidelbaum, played by Logan Lerman (Fury, The Perks of Being a Wallflower), who finds himself swept up with a group of Nazi hunters who have discovered that former high-ranking Nazi officials are living in the U.S. and conspiring to create a Fourth Reich.
The group join Lerman, Al Pacino and Jerrika Hinton in the series. The Hunt has been created by David Weil (Moonfall), who will write as well as executive producing with Peele and showrunner Nikki Toscano (24: Legacy).