Amazon has picked up a new comedy series from Sandra Bullock’s production company, Fortis Films. The show will be based upon Bullock’s college days at East Carolina University and was created by K.C. Perry (The Originals) with Bullock, Avika Goldsman and musician John Legend executive producing.
The untitled series is described as “a hilarious, boundary-crossing, and often soul-wrenching trek through the oppressive cultural norms of the deep south in the 1980s, where one darkly off-beat young woman defies expectations and sets out in search of love, community, and most importantly, an identity of her own. It’s a fantastical, dance-filled journey, traversing the worlds of drag-culture, mental health, and the AIDS epidemic, all while following a group of young outcasts who band together and dare to be themselves, despite the very real danger they face in doing so. It’s a vivid, fun, gut-punch of a story about letting go of shame and living out loud… and some of it’s even true.”
Bullock and Goldsman developed the show’s concept together. Producer Marja-Lewis Ryan (6 Ballons) was brought in by the pair to further develop it, but could not because of her commitment to Showtime’s upcoming sequel series to The L-Word. Instead, Ryan will act as a consulting producer on the project. John Legend, meanwhile, will produce through his Get Lifted banner and develop the show’s musical and dance numbers by combining many popular genres from the 80’s, such as pop, Southern gospel and even opera. The series will be written by Perry, who just came off writing the pilot for Constance starring Elisabeth Shue.