Blizzard Entertainment has today released the adventurous new expansion Saviors of Uldum for their free to play digital card game Hearthstone. This is the second expansion in the game’s year long trilogy and will feature a good amount of new cards, new minions, spells and more.
This latest expansion sees the return of four of the game’s most popular characters, the League of Explorers—Elise Starseeker, Brann Bronzebeard, Sir Finley Mrrglton and Reno Jackson. These questing archaeologists have increased in power and now sport a powerful battlecry that triggers if there are no duplicate cards in the player’s deck.
Saviors of Uldum introduces 135 new cards to help players expand their deckbuilding. Among these new cards are Plague Cards such as “Plague of Murlocs” which will transform every minion on the board into an aggressive amphibian. Also, a new keyword – Reborn – has been introduced to describe minions that can return to life with just 1 Health remaining upon being defeated.
“Saviors of Uldum reflects all of the personality and fun of Hearthstone while opening a wide range of strategic possibilities in the game,” said J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard Entertainment. “We’re excited to have the League of Explorers back in action and can’t wait to see all the creativity players bring to their decks with this new expansion.”
There’s more to come for Saviors of Uldum as next month will see the arrival of the new single player adventure Tombs of Terror.
Saviors of Uldum is available now.