As the debate surrounding the cinematic quality (or lack thereof) of Marvel movies continues, acclaimed British director Ken Loach (Kes, I, Daniel Blake) has become the latest filmmaker to join the chorus of criticism, slamming superhero films as “a cynical exercise” that “has nothing to do with the art of cinema”.
“I find them boring,” Loach told Sky during an interview for his latest film Sorry We Missed You. “They’re made as commodities … like hamburgers … It’s about making a commodity which will make profit for a big corporation – they’re a cynical exercise. They’re a market exercise and it has nothing to do with the art of cinema.”
Loach’s comments follow those of Martin Scorsese, who compared Marvel movies to theme parks rather than cinema, and Francis Ford Coppola, who went one further to describe them as “despicable”.
So, who do you think will be the next filmmaking legend to speak out about Marvel? Let us know in the comments or on our social channels @flickeringmyth…