HBO Max has revealed a poster and trailer for the upcoming sci-fi drama Raised By Wolves, ahead of its premiere next month. Produced by Ridley Scott, the series centers on two androids tasked with raising human children on a mysterious planet and features a cast that includes Amanda Collin, Abubakar Salim, Winta McGrath, Niamh Algar, Jordan Loughran, Matias Varela, Felix Jamieson, Ethan Hazzard, Aasiya Shah, Ivy Wong, and Travis Fimmel; take a look here…
From executive producer Ridley Scott, Raised by Wolves centers on two androids tasked with raising human children on a mysterious virgin planet. As the burgeoning colony of humans threatens to be torn apart by religious differences, the androids learn that controlling the beliefs of humans is a treacherous and difficult task.
Raised By Wolves premieres on HBO Max on September 3rd.