Marvelous Videos with a selection of essential gun-fu movies…
Gun-fu. It’s a strange word, a western portmanteau that seeks to combine firearms with Eastern martial arts. But how can this be? How can you realistically have people shoot guns at close range without it seeming gimmicky or outright silly?
Well, the great thing about movies is that they don’t have to be realistic! No matter how gritty the storyline they exist in a realm of fantasy, and that fantasy means we can have all sorts of cool things happen, including gun-fu. Don’t worry, the folks at Marvelous Videos have you covered with these awesome recommendations! Watch the video here…
SEE ALSO: The Film Feud of the 90’s: Steven Seagal vs Jean-Claude Van Damme
SEE ALSO: Watch more Marvelous Videos here and be sure to subscribe on YouTube
What are your favourite gun-fu movies? Let us know what’s missing from this list!
Red Stewart