Netflix has announced Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) is set to star in Frontier, a new six-episode drama series from creators Peter Blackie and Rob Blackie (Republic of Doyle) and director Brad Peyton (San Andreas) that will explore the 18th century fur trade.
“We jumped at the opportunity to bring this action-packed series to our global viewers” said Erik Barmack, Vice President of Local Originals at Netflix. “The creative team behind the series has a very exciting vision for Jason and the show, and we’re thrilled to be working with Discovery Canada on getting a vast, worldwide audience to enjoy it.”
Here’s the official synopsis for the series, which will also star Alun Armstrong (Braveheart), Landon Liboiron (Hemlock Grove), Zoe Boyle (Downton Abbey), Allan Hawco (Republic of Doyle) and newcomer Jessica Matten:
“The series is an action-packed adventure drama following the chaotic and violent struggle to control wealth and power in the North American fur trade in the late 18th century. Told from multiple perspectives, the series takes place in a world where business negotiations might be resolved with close-quarter hatchet fights, and where delicate relations between Native tribes and Europeans can spark bloody conflicts.”
Frontier will air in 2016