ABC is expanding its roster of comic book TV shows, with the network partnering up with Warner Bros. Television and The Originals showrunner Michael Narducci for an adaptation of the Vertigo series Unfollow from creators Rob Williams and Michael Dowling.
THR reports that the drama series “explores what happens when a secretive billionaire makes a global announcement — via the social media platform he invented — that he is terminally ill and has decided to bestow his entire fortune to a seemingly random sample of 140 people from around the world. When one of them turns up dead, the others realize that they are all suspects — and the next potential victim.”
Unfollow has received a script commitment from the network, and should it make it to series it would join ABC’s various Marvel shows, including Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, and the planned Damage Control and Marvel’s Most Wanted.