Red Stewart presents the most terrifying psycho performances in all of film…
Sociopathy is a mental illness that is as repelling as it is enticing. We all live in fear of some serial killer knocking down our door, yet we cannot help but be intrigued by the roots of it all. After all, what is it that causes someone to become so antisocial and lack empathy towards their fellow human beings?
Well, many movies have tried to tackle this question, though too often they simply falter to the generic good vs. evil route. Nonetheless, they have yielded some amazing performances from talented actors- performances that have gone on to be recognized as some of the greatest villainous acting in cinema.
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Here are five of the very best, from Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning turn as The Joker in The Dark Knight to – of course – Anthony Perkins’ Norman Bates in Psycho…
What other psycho performances do you think are terrifying enough to be worthy of inclusion on this list? Let us know in the video comments or on our social channels @flickeringmyth…
Red Stewart