A poster and trailer have been released for the South Korean sci-fi Space Sweepers, ahead of its arrival on Netflix next month. Directed by Jo Sung-hee, the film follows the crew of a space junk collection ship who discover a humanoid robot that turns out to be a weapon of mass destruction; take a look here…
In the year 2092 where trash has become currency, a crew of space sweepers on the brink of ruin chances upon a human-like robot that’s extremely valuable and they think they’ve finally hit the jackpot. But word gets around fast in the galaxy, and it’ll take everything they have to keep their weapon of mass destruction safe for sale.
The film features a cast that includes Song Joong-ki (Arthdal Chronicles), Kim Tae-ri (Mr. Sunshine), Jin Sun-kyu (Kingdom), and Yoo Hai-jin (Confidential Assignment).
Space Sweepers arrives on Netflix on February 5th.