If you thought you had played everything there was to play on the Acorn Electron and BBC computers then think again. There’s still homebrew games being made for these brilliant classic machines of yesteryear and the latest of these is Electrobots by Dutch developer 0xC0DE. You can see more of this new game in the video below…
In Electrobots players are taken to the planet Terranova in the year 4096 where the last 3 Electrobots are in search for 10 powerful ancient objects. Besides not knowing where these ancient items are the planet is teeming with hostile alien life intent on terminating these friendly bots. Taking control of these ‘Bots, players will need to avoid the aliens, locate all 10 objects and guide them safely to the exit portal.
This game is currently available to download for free from here however, please visit Ko-fi.com and leave a donation to help him continue this fine work.
For those interested in 0xC0DE’s first title, Elementum, it is available both digitally and physically on real floppy disk. Details on how to purchase digitally can be found here, while the physical copy can be purchased from publisher Retrosoftware.
Elementum will have players rescue the 6502 CPU after it has been take hostage by hostile electronic components. Controlling a lone electron (pun more than likely intended) players will have to rescue all 8 status flags while avoiding the electron’s arch nemesis, the positron.