Anghus Houvouras with this week’s disappointments from the entertainment world…
“Trailer for Anesthesia starring Kristen Stewart”
I was surprised to discover this is actually a documentary about how you feel when watching movies starring Kristen Stewart.
“Francis Ford Coppola says it’s a “pity” George Lucas got lost in Star Wars”
I heard George Lucas was equally disappointed that Francis Ford Coppola got lost making ‘total shit like Twixt‘.
“Anthony Russo says Spider-Man was always part of Captain America: Civil War…”
This is what I love about Marvel. They have their stuff planned out so far in advance. Spider-Man was always going to be part of Civil War. Why would anyone think otherwise?
“Spider-Man Actor Tom Holland Doesn’t Know What Captain America: Civil War Is About”
So Spider-Man was always going to be part of Civil War, but the guy playing Spider-Man doesn’t know what it’s about? Maybe Tom Holland’s publicist and the Marvel Studios PR division need to take a meeting. It’s all good. It’s not like Tom Holland has made a habit of saying things that don’t make sense.
“Tom Holland says Spider-Man reboot will be “the biggest independent film ever”
Because when I think ‘independent film’, the first thing that comes to mind are $200 million summer tent poles produced by a Disney subsidiary with a license to print cash. The catering budget on the last Marvel movie could have funded 18 Lars Von Trier movies. And I realize the kid is referring to more about the style of the movie, however, the last time the reins to Marvel’s most popular superhero were handed to someone from the world of independent film, we ended up with The Amazing Spider-Man. So maybe we shouldn’t be a little less cavalier when using the word ‘independent’ to describe Spider-Man. In fact, let’s be real clear here. Superhero stories aren’t really structured for the independent world…
“Shawn Ashmore would be interested in playing Iceman as gay in the X-Men franchise.”
I stand corrected. How about ‘Brokeback Mutant’?
See you next week.
Anghus Houvouras is a North Carolina based writer and filmmaker and the co-host of Across the Pondcast. Follow him on Twitter.