Netflix has released the first images from the third season of the comedy drama series Sex Education featuring Otis (Asa Butterfield), Eric (Ncuti Gatwa), Maeve (Emma Mackey), Jackson (Kedar Williams-Stirling), Cal (Dua Saleh), Adam (Connor Swindells), and Aimee (Aimee Lou Wood); take a look here…
“It’s a new year, Otis is having casual sex, Eric and Adam are official, and Jean has a baby on the way. Meanwhile, new headteacher Hope (played by Jemima Kirke) tries to return Moordale to a pillar of excellence, Aimee discovers feminism, Jackson gets a crush and a lost voicemail still looms. Prepare for commitment animals, alien phenomena, vulva cupcakes and much more of Madam Groff.”
Sex Education season 3 arrives on Netflix on September 17th.