It’s two Riders for the price of one this week as Marvel brings together Ghost Rider and Demon Rider for the one-shot special Spirits of Vengeance: Spirit Rider #1, co-written by Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas, and we’ve got the official preview of the issue for you here…
SHE’S LIKE NO GHOST RIDER YOU’VE EVER SEEN! SHE IS KUSHALA — A SORCERER SUPREME, A SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE…AND THE SAVIOR OF JOHNNY BLAZE’S SOUL! Blaze has been through a lot lately, from ascending the throne of Hell to nearly murdering his former allies on the Avengers. But his nightmare is far from over. Something — or someone — is haunting him, and only a Ghost Rider with the powers of a Sorcerer Supreme can find out why. The dynamic writing duo of Taboo (of the Black Eyed Peas) and B. Earl expand the Rider mythos with an action-packed special that will kick off a brand-new era of vengeance! Kushala’s about to be the hottest thing in hell.
Spirits of Vengeance: Spirit Rider #1 goes on sale on August 4th, priced $4.99.