Five new character posters have been released for director Pablo Larrain’s upcoming biographical drama Spencer which feature Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana, Jack Farthing as Prince Charles, Sean Harris as Darren, Sally Hawkins as Maggie, and Timothy Spall as Major Alistar Gregory.
The marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles has long since grown cold. Though rumours of affairs and a divorce abound, peace is ordained for the Christmas festivities at the Queen’s Sandringham Estate. There’s eating and drinking, shooting and hunting. Diana knows the game. But this year, things will be a whole lot different. SPENCER is an imagining of what might have happened during those few fateful days.
SEE ALSO: Watch the trailer for Spencer
Spencer stars Kristen Stewart, Sean Harris, Sally Hawkins, Jack Farthing and Timothy Spall. It arrives in cinemas on November 5th.