Kicking off the movie day of Geeked Week, Netflix has debuted the first trailer, poster and images for The Sea Beast, the upcoming animated adventure from director Chris Williams (Moana, Big Hero 6) which follows celebrated Monster hunter Jacob Holland (Karl Urban) as he discovers young stowaway Maisie (Zaris-Angel Hator) aboard his fabled ship and together they embark on an epic journey through uncharted waters; take a look here…
In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters were celebrated heroes – and none were more beloved than the great Jacob Holland. But when young Maisie Brumble stows away on his fabled ship, he’s saddled with an unexpected ally. Together they embark on an epic journey into uncharted waters and make history. From Academy Award winning filmmaker Chris Williams (Moana, Big Hero Six, Bolt), The Sea Beast takes us to where the map ends, and the true adventure begins.
Featuring in the voice cast of The Sea Beast are Karl Urban, Zaris-Angel Hator, Dan Stevens, Jared Harris, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Kathy Burke, Benjamin Plessala, and Kaya McLean.