GKIDS has released the English-language trailer for Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and The Heron, the eagerly-anticipated animated feature from Studio Ghibli which tells the story of Mahito, a 12-year-old boy struggling to cope with grief, who follows a talking heron into an abandoned tower, and is transported to another world.
The English language dubbed version of The Boy and the Heron features the voices of Christian Bale (Ford v Ferrari), Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy), Gemma Chan (Eternals), Willem Dafoe (Poor Things), Karen Fukuhara (The Boys), Mark Hamill (Fall of the House of Usher), Robert Pattinson (The Batman), and Florence Pugh (Little Women). Check out the trailer below…
A young boy named Mahito, yearning for his mother ventures into a world shared by the living and the dead. There, death comes to an end, and life finds a new beginning. A semi-autobiographical fantasy about life, death, and creation, in tribute to friendship, from the mind of Hayao Miyazaki.
SEE ALSO: Read our ★★★★ review of The Boy and the Heron
The Boy and The Heron arrives in cinemas in the US on December 8th and in the UK and Ireland from Boxing Day, Tuesday 26th December.