Paramount Pictures has assembled the imaginary friends voiced by the likes of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, the late Louis Gossett Jr., Emily Blunt, Awkwafina, and Steve Carell into a brand new poster for writer-director John Krasinski’s heart-warming family film IF, which you can check out below…
From writer and director John Krasinski, IF is about a girl who discovers that she can see everyone’s imaginary friends — and what she does with that superpower — as she embarks on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten IFs with their kids.
IF stars Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Cailey Fleming, Fiona Shaw, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Louis Gossett Jr., Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Maya Rudolph, Jon Stewart, Bobby Moynihan, Sam Rockwell, Sebastian Maniscalco, Christopher Meloni, Richard Jenkins, Awkwafina, and Steve Carell; Watch the trailer below…
IF arrives in cinemas on May 17th.